downloadDownload here the final programme.

Wednesday, June 26th

14.00-16.30:  Registration and poster set up

16.30-16.45:  Opening ceremony:       

V. Peretti, Chairman
L. Iannuzzi, Co-chairman
A. Anastasio, Director of the DMVPA
A. Scaloni, Director of the CNR-ISPAAM
S. D’Auria, Director of the Bio-Agri-Food Science Department, CNR

16.45-17.00: Dr. James (Jim) Womack obituary (Dr. Penny Riggs)

General Opening Session 1: Chairpersons: Salvatore Francesco, Pauciullo Alfredo

17.00-17.40: Lecture 1: Switonski Marek - Cytogenetic diagnostics - from Giemsa staining toSNP microarray and NGS.

17.40-18.20: Lecture 2: Ajmone-Marsan Paolo - Bovine research: from Genomics to Epigenomics.

18.20-19.00: Lecture 3: Drogemuller Cord - Clinical Veterinary Genetics in the Age of Whole Genome Sequencing

19.30: Welcome reception (Royal Continental Hotel)

Thursday, June 27th

9.00-10.30: Session 2: Cytogenetics and Genomics in Animal Diagnostics

Chairpersons: Pinton Alain, Bugno-Poniewierzka Monika

09.00-9.30:  Lecture 4: Capitan Aurelien - Detection and characterization of cytogenetic defects in cattle using large genotypic and phenotypic data sets generated for genomic evaluation.

09.30-10.00: Lecture 5: Parma Pietro - The impact of Bioinformatics in Animal Cytogenetics.

10.00-10.15: Pistucci R, Parma P, Cimmino R, Neglia G, Iannuzzi A. Sperm-FISH Analysis for Validating Sexed Italian Mediterranean River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Semen

10.15-10.30: Albarella S, Nowacka-Woszuk J, Switonski M, Riccardi MG, D’Anza E, Bifulco G, Costanza D, Pugliano M, Ciotola F, Peretti V. Monozygotic Origin of Three Cases of Female Dicephalic Buffalo and Bovine Calves.

10.30-11.00:  Coffee break and poster vision

11.00-13.40:  Session 3: Advanced in Water Buffalo Genomics and Epigenomics

Chairpersons: Chillemi Giovanni, Castiglioni Bianca

11.00-11.30: Lecture 6: Williams John - The water buffalo genome sequencing: history, gains and future perspectives.

11.30-12.00: Lecture 7: Di Maggio F. / Toscano E. - Whole genome of a male water buffalo, obtained by Nanopore Technology long-reads sequencing, generates high quality de novo assembly and provides first hints on Y chromosome. 

12.00-12.15: Milanesi M, Pietrucci D, Picarone L, Vignali G, Cosenza G, Gomez M, Chillemi G - Genomic structure of Mediterranean Buffalo breed: a variant analysis for a new dedicated SNP array.

12.15-12.30: Albarella S, Pugliano M, D’Anza E, Cascone I, Matera R, Longobardi V, Galli T, Fichi G, Peretti V, Ciotola F - Polymorphisms of MBL2 and LTF genes in Mediterranean Italian River Buffalo (MIRB) (Bubalus bubalis) and association with mastitis.

12.30-12.45: Cascone I, López-Catalina A, Albarella S, Ciotola F, Cosenza G, Salzano A, Peretti V, González-Recio O. Methylation study in mediterranean italian river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): preliminary results.

12.45-13.00: Fulgione A, Iovane V, Gentile A, Capparelli R -  TLR2 polymorphisms modelling and Italian Mediterranean water Buffalo brucellosis.

13.00-13.15: Nunziato M, Di Maggio F, Sepe L, Toscano E, Boccia A, Cimmino R, Paolella G, Salvatore F - Third-generation sequencing by nanopore technology of unrelated 22 male and 10 female water buffalo to search for haplotype differences by SNPs analyses.

13.15-13.30: Iovane V, Fulgione A, Gentile A, Capparelli R - In silico analysis to predict SNPs effects in Mediterranean water buffalo.

13.30-13.50: Presentation of the Avantor - VWR International (sponsor)

13.50-14.50: Lunch and poster vision

14.50-16.10 -  Session 4: Comparative Cytogenetics and Genomics

Chairperson: Fedorov Anton, Adega Filomena

14.50-15.20: Lecture 8: Chaves Raquel - Satellite DNA and RNA: advances and challenges.

15.20-15.35: Ekkeh H, Feuda R, Tomaszewska P, Kirtiklis L, Mustafa S, Li R, Chaves R, Adega F, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrsion P. - The nature and organization of repetitive DNA in the genome of goat, Capra hircus.

15.35-15.50: Riggs PK – In pursuit of high-resolution chromosome banding: brief review in memory of Mogens Ronne (6 November 1941- 29 March 2018).

15.50-16.10: - Liang J, Rose N, Brusentsov II, Lukyanchikova V, Karagodin DA, Feng Y, Yurchenko AA, Sharakhov IV1, McBride CS, Sharakhova MV - Chromosomal inversions and their potential impact on evolution of mosquito Aedes aegypti.

16.10-16.30:  Coffee break and poster vision

16.30-17.45:  Session 5: Mutagenesis and Biomonitoring using Cytogenetic and Genomic Tests 

                                    Chairpersons: Riggs Penny, Deudukh Dmitrij

16.30-17.00: Lecture 9: Iannuzzi Alessandra - Cytogenetic and Genomic Biomarkers: A Glimpse into the Latest Advances.

17.00-17.15: Pauciullo A, Gaspa G, Genualdo V, Rossetti C, Perucatti A, Rastello L, Gerbelle M, Galli A, Guidou C, Trespeuch C, Gasco L, Renna M -  Effect of dietary Hermetia illucens oil on bovine genome stability: a sister chromatid exchange (SCE) study.

17.15-17.30: Gonella A, Perucatti A, Pistucci R, Iannuzzi L, Peruffo A. A screening methodology of the cell nuclei based on functional status of the chromatin in ziphius cavirostris.

17.30-17.45: Pistucci R, Amato R, Iommelli P, Tudisco R, Infascelli F, Iannuzzi A, Sarubbi F. Investigating the impact of short-term environmental stress on telomere length in goats.

17.45-19.00:  Session 6: Cytogenetics and Genomics of Non-Mammalian Vertebrates 

                                       Chairpersons: Olmo Ettore, Ocalewicz Konrad

17.45-18.15: Lecture 10: Romeo Teresa - Billfish in the Mediterranean sea: genetic and tagging approach to study large pelagic fish.

18.15-18.30: Ocalewicz K, Panasiak L – Telomere length dynamics and expression of telomerase trascriptase (TERT) gene in diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) females.

18.30-18.45: Fedorov A, Krasikova A - Oocyte nuclear RNA profiles along centromere and subtelomere regions of the telomere-to-telomere chicken genome assembly.

18.45-19.00: Dedukh D, Kauzál O, Albrecht T, Ridl J, Schlebusch SA, Reifova R - Mechanisms of Programmed DNA elimination in songbirds

Friday, June 28th 

09.00-11.20:  Session 7: Advanced in Animal Genomics and Epigenomics

                                    Chairpersons: Paolella Giovanni, Biffani Stefano

09.00-9.30: Lecture 11: Gonzalez-Recio Oscar - Capturing additional genetic and epigenetic variance by third generation sequencing.

9.30-10.00: Lecture 12: Di Croce Fernando - Advancing Dairy Farming with Genomics: Improving Profit, Sustainability, and Cow Health.

10.15-10.30: Krasikova A, Kulikova T, Schelkunov M, Makarova N, Fedotova A, Berngardt V, Maslova A, Fedorov A - Hypertranscription on the lateral loops of chicken lampbrush chromosomes is aimed to produce maternal RNA for thousands of genes

10.30-10.45: Zhou H - Functional annotation of regulatory elements and its application on identification genetic variants associated with complex traits in farm animals

10.45-11.00: Faraut T, Mary N, Valton AL, Barasc H, Calgaro A, Marrauld C, Pinton  A - Illustration of a deep learning approach to identify key genomic sequence features of 3D genome organization.

11.00-11.20: Presentation of the Avantor - VWR International (sponsor)

11.20- 11.50-Coffee break and poster vision

11.50-13.20:  Session 8: Cytogenetic and Genomic Characterization of Animal Biodiversity

                                    Chairpersons Szczerbal Izabela, Krasokova Alla

11.50-12.20: Lecture 13: Terlizzi Antonio - Invasive marine species: transforming a threat into a resource.

12.20-12.35: D’Anza E, Pugliano M, Piscopo N, Cascone I, Rossetti A, Ciotola F, Peretti V, Albarella S - Origin of the current wild boar population of Campania region (Italy) and SNPS identification in RelA gene.

12.35-12.50: Pereira JC, Mestre VF, Castro F, Costa S, Escudeiro A, Barros P, Chaves R, Ray D, Cabral JA, Adega F - The highly conserved karyotype of the myotis genus (chiroptera, vespertillionidae): what is making the difference?

12.50-13.05: Di-Nizo CB, Suh A, Fischer L, Fischer D, Schwarzer J, Astrin JJ - The importance of cell banking to species chromosome characterization and conservation.

13.05-13.20: Pessoa GP, Di-Nizo CB, Senzaki BM, Pires CAF, Oliveira IS, Silva MJJ - Cytogenetics on snakes (serpentes: squamata) in a phylogenetic context.

13.20-14.30: Lunch and poster vision

14.30-15.45:  Poster vision (at least one author’s poster must be present in the poster section)

15.45-16.00: Poster removal

16.00-18.00: Naples’ Tour “Tunnel Borbonico” Via D. Morelli, 61 – c/o Morelli parking.

20.30: Conference Dinner: Restaurant Transatlantico, Via Luculliana, 15 (Borgo Marinaro)

Saturday, June 29th

9.00-10.15: Session 9: Cytogenetics and Genomics of Invertebrates

Chairpersons: Sharakhov Igor, Sharakhova Maria

09.00-09.30: Lecture 14: Gokhman Vladimir - Comparative cytogenetics of the order Hymenoptera (Insecta).

09.30-09.45: Sharakhov IV, Lukyanchikova V, Brusentsov I - Dynamics of the 3d genome architecture in the malaria mosquito development.

09.45-10.00: Pistucci R, Varlese R, Di Prisco G, Iannuzzi A. - Telomere Length as biomarker of wellness in honey bees (Apis mellifera, L.).

10.00-10.15: Nugnes F, Ascolese R, Carbone C, Miele F, Pica F, Bernardo U - Oriental fruit fly invasion in southern italy: understanding genetic variability, spread and potential threats to agriculture

10.15-10.45: Coffee break

10.45-13.15:  Session 10 Poster presentation and discussion

Chairpersons: Zhou Huaijun, Nicolae Ioana

10.45-12.45: brief presentation of 15 posters (8 min each)

12.45-13.15: General discussion on the topic’s poster

13.15-13.30: Poster awards (five poster)

13.30-13.40:  Conclusions and next meeting 2026 (Porto, Portugal, Raquel Chaves, Chairwoman)

13.40: Lunch


Organizing Secretariat: