Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are glad to inform you that ICACG2024 final program in now available at
This year's event is dedicated to the memory of Dr. James (Jim) Womack, who passed away in August 2023.
The program features ten sessions, starting with the general opening session 1. The remaining sessions cover the proposed topics. Notably, the sessions "Cytogenomics in Genetic Diagnostics" and "Chromosome Abnormalities of Livestock and Companion Animals" have been combined into a single session titled "Cytogenetics and Genomics in Animal Diagnostics." Additionally, due to the high number of abstracts received on Animal Genomics, two sessions are dedicated to this topic. One of these sessions will focus specifically on the water (river) buffalo, reflecting the numerous contributions on this significant domestic species.

We have followed your preferences as closely as possible in assigning oral and poster presentations. In a few cases, abstracts submitted as posters have been selected for oral presentation. All selected oral presentations do not need to be presented as posters (as we have received inquiries about this).
Among the 84 abstracts received, we have 14 lectures, 27 oral presentations, and 43 posters.

A special session on the final day, June 29th, is dedicated to posters. During this session, 15 posters will be selected by the chairpersons to be presented as short oral presentations (8 minutes). All poster authors should prepare 5-6 PowerPoint slides in case their abstracts will be selected.
Guidelines for authors and important info are available at the following link:

All received abstracts are also available on the meeting webpage ( We are confident to publish them in the MDPI journal (Biology and Life Sciences Forum) before the meeting. At the moment we submitted all revised abstracts to the journal and wait for the journal’s decisions. You will be informed about the publication status.

Thanks to the contributions of both National Institutions (Naples Federico II University and National Research Council – ISPAAM) and various sponsors, lunch on the last day of the meeting (June 29th) is included in the final program.

Social Events
June 27th. A one-day tour for accompanying persons (currently four) is confirmed. This tour, from 9 AM to 4-5 PM, includes visits to significant sites in Naples, a pizza lunch, and a visit to the San Severo Chapel to see the famous "Cristo Velato" (Veiled Christ).
June 28th A tour for all participants and accompanying persons is confirmed. We will visit the “Tunnel Borbonico" (The Bourbon Tunnel), one of the most beautiful underground sites in Naples (, located very close to the congress venue. Two groups (in Italian and English language) will be arranged.
Social Dinner 28th June. The social dinner will be held at the restaurant "Transatlantico," located in "Borgo Marinaro," just in front of the congress venue.

We hope you find the meeting both interesting and a valuable opportunity to meet new colleagues and friends, fostering further collaborations in your research work.
Best regards,
Vincenzo Peretti (Chairman) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Leopoldo Iannuzzi (Co-chairman) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Organizing Secretariat: